What do you win

What do you win?

  • A responsible and reliable business partner who keeps the agreed and given word
  • Personal approach and responsibility – in case of collaboration; you will also be working with me and not with a company whose name is someone else’s. That means that I stand behind my products / services.
  • Thinking out of the box – I’m not afraid of new solutions. Progress and development are always advancing, why not use it?
  • Reduce costs and increase effectiveness

Why me?

I am a small business owner and that has some advantages – both for me but mainly for you. Some advantages are listed below

Flexibility – I am very flexible. I can react quickly to your request and thereby save your time.

Personal contact with the customer – you hire a small company and not a large anonymous corporation, where everyone is hidden behind the corporate logo.

Lower overhead costs – HR manager, PR specialist, market analyst, data destruction manager, resource manager, purchasing manager, social skill manager … you won’t find them here.

I appreciate the principles of agile development

Agile software development refers to approaches in the software development process that increase transparency and flexibility and should lead to a faster deployment of the developed systems in order to minimize risks in the development process.

Agile Guidelines (Wiki)


  • Individuals and interactions are above processes and tools
  • Working software is above a comprehensive documentation
  • Cooperation with the customer is above the contract negotiation
  • Responding to change is about following a plan

Although the items listed on the right are valuable, the items on the left are much more valuable to me.

What do I offer

I offer complete solutions in the development of a measurement / control system

  • Analysis and optimization of your process
  • Complete electronics and hardware design
  • Complete software development
  • Manufacture of mechanical parts
  • Manufacturing process optimization with the help of devices developed to order
  • Process automation